API Routes

Any file (.ts,.js,.mjs) inside the api/ directory is mapped to /api/* and will be treated as an API endpoint. For an API route to work, you need to export a default function, with a req parameter (instance of APIRequest).

For example, the following API route api/user.ts sends a json response when you visit api/user:

import type { APIRequest } from "https://deno.land/x/aleph/types.ts";

export default function handler(req: APIRequest) {
  req.status(200).json({ name: "Carol" });

Dynamic API Routes

Aleph.js also suports dynamic routes (see pages routing).

Let's create an API route called api/user/[name].ts:

import type { APIRequest } from "https://deno.land/x/aleph/types.ts";

export default function handler(req: APIRequest) {
  req.status(200).json({ name: req.params.name });

This route will handle all /api/user/:name requests and reply with a json response that has a name param.